Rights Respecting School | Private School | Avon House School
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Rights Respecting School

Posted: 13th July 2021

A big poster showing that Avon House School is a Rights Respecting School
We are very proud to display our Rights Respecting School Gold banner to recognise the excellent contributions of our pupils in achieving the award. In order to achieve the gold award, Avon House had to fully embed children’s rights throughout the school in its policies, practice and ethos. The RRS council and pupils across different year groups took part in the accreditation visit where they were asked questions about the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and its impact on them individually and to school life.
The accreditors recognised the following as particular strengths of our school:
• Children’s knowledge of rights – they were able to speak about rights confidently and articulately and were clear on the concepts of rights.
• The values of equality, diversity and inclusion underpin the life of the school and are lived on a day to day basis.
• Pupil voice in school life is strong with a number of mechanisms for listening to children used well
Congratulations to the whole school community. We are very proud to have achieved GOLD and you can read the full report from Unicef here Rights Respecting School
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Brand New Outdoor Learning Area

Come and experience our outdoor classroom!


Daily school tours available, please contact – admissions@ahsprep.co.uk

Children can join our Nursery the term following their 3rd birthday,

30 free childcare hours code also accepted
