This year (2023-2024), is the year Avon House has created our very own Diversity Council. Following last year’s Year 5 interviews, when children put themselves forward for our school’s roles of responsibility, one child grabbed the attention of Mrs Campbell (Head Teacher) in his interview which led to the creation of the new council.
Diversity Council meets on a weekly basis to discuss matters of interest voiced by children at Avon House. These topics are discussed within the council and key points from these meetings are fed back to their respective classes. Each member from the council is given time to report upon their findings and record pupil responses.
What is Diversity?
At Avon House, Diversity is about embracing differences and including people from all walks of life. Diversity can include race, ethnicity, gender, religious beliefs, disability and much more. Our council’s aim is to promote and encourage diversity, actively respect and appreciate and empower each other for who we are. Our mission is to create a school where everyone feels safe, valued and respected.
D – Difference
It is important to be different so you can stand out. You don’t wanna be anyone else you wanna be YOU. No need to be cool or popular just be you own person
I – Individual
We are all unique. We have different personalities and quirks. We are all somebody, we are all equal. Even twins have different identities
V – View
View yourself as the king or queen of your world.
View others as you view yourself and be kind.
View your goals as achievable.
E – Ethnicity
Ethnicity is your culture and background. Be proud of where you are from. Be respectful to other people’s culture and your own. Open your mind up to learning about other cultures.
R – Religion
Recognise that there are many different religions with many different gods. Recognise that there are many different languages with many different prayers. Even with all the differences, at the heart of all religions is peace.
S – Spectacular
Remember that no matter what you look like or where your form you are spectacular. If your ever low just remember you are spectacular
I – Inclusive
It is important for everyone to feel included and celebrated regardless of their abilities
T – Time
Always make time for people even if they don’t look like you. You never know what you might learn from them or what you could teach them
Y – You
Always be you. Each thing that makes you different is the very thing that makes you special and great!
Diversity Council members for 2024-2025 are:
- Chair – Jia
- Vice Chair – Zak
Class Representatives
- Year 1 – Amelie and Erik
- Year 2 – Eesha and Soraya
- Year 3 – Devika and Sam
- Year 4 – Mohid and Ehsaan
- Year 5 – Tyler and Seren