School Uniform | Private Education, Essex | Avon House School

School Uniform

Our school uniform can only be purchased from the official school outfitter:

Forest Casual and Schoolwear
144 High Road,
Essex IG10 4BE
Tel: 020 8508 2848

Uniform Regulations

In line with RRS Article 12 that states “Children have the right to give their opinions freely on issues that affect them” and Article 14 “Children can choose their own thoughts, opinions and religion,” pupils at Avon House have a choice of Uniform A or Uniform B. All uniform requirements are outlined within our Parent Packs.

Winter/Summer Uniform:  All pupils should wear Winter uniform from the 1st October.  All pupils are to be in their Summer uniform from the start of the Summer Term.

Blazers: From Year 1, pupils will need a blazer.  Prep pupils wear their blazers all year round.

School coats:  The regulation coat must be worn by all pupils.  If pupils do not have a school coat, they may be excluded from trips or outings.

Shoes:  All pupils must wear suitable black school shoes (except for Foundation 1 who wear white trainers).

Jewellery and religious artefacts:  For health and safety reasons we suggest no items of value be brought into School.  However, religious symbols may be worn discreetly but must be removed for games lessons.  Earrings are NOT be worn.

Hair accessories:  These are to be kept to a minimum.  Long hair must be tied back with dark blue or black hair bands and Alice band style bands only.  Short hair must be neat and well groomed with no grooming products.

Watches: Analogue watches may be worn by Prep pupils at the discretion of their class teacher.

A full uniform list is detailed in our Parent Packs which are available to parents via our Parents Portal on the School’s website.



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