school girl talking to a teacher on a sofa


What are the benefits of choosing a co-educational school?

Pupils in Early Years learn and play together developing as people with unique personalities. Learning to respect each other whatever gender or cultural background is an important element as they grow up. At Avon House Preparatory School the pupils work well together and enjoy interacting in music and sport in a mixed gender environment. All pupils are treated equally in our School.

How do parents get involved at school?

Parents are an integral part of school life. In Early Years, parents are invited to support our weekly cookery classes, join in the weekly walk and read to the pupils as part of our foreign language story-telling programme. Parents are welcome at many of our school assemblies and all school musical performances. Parents sometimes accompany our school trips. Parent Forum meets monthly with the Head Teacher in an informal session to discuss school matters. The Avon House PTA is supportive of the School and organise events including fayres at Christmas and during the summer term. More information can be found on Our Community page.

How do parents communicate with school?

Staff are available to talk to parents at the beginning and end of each school day. Appointments that are more formal can be made via the school office. The Head Teacher and other members of the SLT are also available to parents should they require to speak to them.

Termly parent coffee mornings are held for Pre-Prep and SEND parents. These usually allow for whole group discussions as well as individual conversations. The annual drinks party at the start of the school year is an excellent opportunity for parents to meet with the whole staff team.

Pupils in Early Years and the Pre-Prep Department all have diaries where parents can write short comments. The Prep Department pupils have Homework Journals, which has a comment section where parents can write to teachers. Staff can also be contacted via the school office and will generally receive a response within 24 hours. For important matters, the School should be telephoned and staff will arrange to call parents back that day.

Formal parent meetings occur each term and are followed through with a written report at the end of the Autumn and Summer term.  The Weekly Flight newsletter highlights key features of the week along with the class weekly awards. The website contains a latest news section, which is updated regularly and you can follow the School on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Does the school offer extra-curricular for all pupils?

There is a wide variety of clubs for all pupils. Clubs are held before School and start at 8am or after School with a finish time of 4.30pm apart from a Monday, which is a 4.15pm pick up. In the Pre-Prep Department, the pupils can experience a variety of clubs both creative and physical. The Prep Department can join a variety of clubs from Tuesday to Friday. Our Monday afternoon, compulsory life skill activities are run for all Prep pupils until 4.15pm. This is part of the school day and pupils sign up for activities including first-aid, touch typing and English Speaking Board. Siblings in Pre-Prep will be cared for until 4.15pm.   Our sports teams often have squad training in after school sessions.