Mr Matt Barrett joined the Governing Body in 2016 and became Chair of Governors in 2024.
Matt is a Solicitor, Mediator and Notary Public and owns his own business Barretts Law based in Buckhurst Hill.
Whilst his professional background lends itself to assisting with legal and regulatory compliance, at Avon House Preparatory School, Matt takes a particular interest in the range of extra-curricular activities provided by the school.
Matt firmly believes that, whilst the school rightly prides itself on academic performance, each pupil can only reach their full potential if they are enjoying additional sporting, musical or dramatic activities.
Matt’s responsibility as Governor is Legal, he is also our Parent Governor.
Mrs Cheryl Macnair joined the Governing Body in September 2016.
Cheryl was previously Headmistress of a small, independent prep school. She has much experience with Early Years, having been an Early Years Team Inspector for the Independent Schools Inspectorate. Cheryl’s responsibility as Governor is Early Years.
Mr David Malyon is a Chartered Accountant and is a Director of Pawley & Malyon Limited, a firm of Chartered Accountants and Statutory Auditors.
Prior to joining them he worked at two other Firms and qualified with the second of these.
He is an Associate of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales.
David and his wife, Susan, have three children, who are all working.
He is a Governor and is responsible for finances, the school site and is a Director of Avon House Preparatory School Limited.
Mrs Fay Cookson has a long association with the school having attended Essex House, the original school where Avon House now stands.
Fay started her teaching career in the state system whilst gaining her Post Graduate Diploma in Specific Learning Difficulties. She subsequently taught at Avon House and became its first SENCO.
Fay has been Head of the Sheila Ferrari Dyslexia Centre for many years and a CReSTed Consultant travelling in the UK to inspect SEND provision in participating schools.
Fay has a son who is ordained in the Anglican Church and a daughter who is the Head of Learning Support at Greshams Prep School in Norfolk.
In her spare time Fay enjoys calligraphy, music, theatre and travelling (especially to Rome) and most of all spending time with her young grandson.
Miss Kaye Lovejoy joined the Governing Body in 2020. She is a very experienced preparatory school teacher and former Headmistress of two prep schools in Essex and West Sussex. She is an Honorary Member of the Independent Schools Association and a serving Retired Inspector for the Independent Schools Inspectorate. Kaye has also represented the ISA on the Independent Schools Council, Child Welfare Group and is also a trustee of the ISA Deakin Trust.
Kaye’s responsibility as Governor is Inclusion and Safeguarding.
Mr Julian Blake joined the Governing Body in 2020, having retired after 30 years as Practice Manager for a local firm of Solicitors.
He brings a wealth of experience from his previous role, principally in HR, IT and finance, but will primarily concentrate on Health and Safety.
Julian is delighted to become part of the Avon House family and looks forward to contributing to “Celebrating and Supporting Every Child”.
Julian’s responsibility as Governor is IT and Health & Safety.