child swimming

Avon House Autumn Stroll

Posted: 23rd September 2021

Students in the woods

Last Sunday the Avon House family took part in our very first Autumn Stroll. Even though the weather could have been better our turn out was still exceptionally outstanding with over 60 staff, family and children in attendance. We started off at Butler’s Retreat in Chingford and made our way around Connaught Waters taking in the wonderful wildlife and surroundings. We even saw a few swans along the way! We then headed back to Butlers Retreat where we each had a warm drink (the hot chocolates were a favourite amongst the pupils) and delicious cake. We would like to thank Butlers Retreat for their exemplary hospitality and also to our parents for supporting this event. We look forward to next year.

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Reserve your place: Open Events | Private Prep School, Essex | Avon House School


The morning starts at 9am with refreshments in the School Hall. Mrs Campbell (Headteacher) will host a talk at 9.15am including information on our extended Wraparound Care provision, 30 hours free childcare code option as well as Nursery sessional timings. Following the talk, our Year 6 pupils will conduct personal tours of the school. We look forward to seeing you there!