European Day of Languages | Private Primary Schools | Avon House School
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European Day of Languages

Posted: 26th September 2024

students in masks

Today is European Day of Languages, an annual celebration set by Council of Europe, for promoting awareness of the importance of language learning. Delivered by Freshwater Theatre and spoken entirely in either Spanish or French, pupils from Foundation 2 to Year 6 took part in exciting and interactive story workshops during the day. Our Pre-Prep were fascinated with hearing familiar traditional tales energetically told in Spanish, joining in with key words and phrases while learning new words such as ‘paja,’ ‘madera’ and ‘ladrillo.’ Years 3 and 4 had their knowledge of French tested during their storytelling workshop, with everyone taking an active part in the story of ‘Goldilocks.’ While Years 5 and 6 travelled to La Mancha and became enthralled with the story of Don Quijote and his squire Sancho Panza. Our Head of Modern Foreign Languages Miss Whitestone commented, “It was wonderful watching the children so immersed in a foreign language. Their enthusiasm for  learning was infectious!”





Categories: MFL