boy writing in class

Future Schools

“I’d like to express my appreciation for the Year 5 Parent Information meeting that took place in the Autumn Term which I found beneficial. It was evident that the school is familiar with my child and they provided some valuable guidance. It emphasised the school’s commitment to their pastoral care principles.”

As an Independent Preparatory School, we pride ourselves on tailoring our curriculum to suit the needs of all pupils. From Year 2, pupils are used to weekly lessons in verbal and non-verbal reasoning.

Once the pupils progress to Year 5, the use of ISEB material best prepares them for the coming terms. Pupils are given the opportunity to join common entrance preparation classes before School to support study skills and explore how examination papers should be interpreted. We have pupils who have been successful in gaining academic scholarships as well as sport and music.

We encourage all pupils to engage with school activities and sports teams as well as having broad interests outside of School as this all assists in telling their story as they prepare for secondary transfer. Our pupils do well in this process as we believe we have placed strong emphasis on their work ethic, personal development and giving them confidence to strive to do the best they can.

11+ Grammar and Common Entrance

Many pupils in Year 6 sit for 11+ and common entrance tests for local Independent sector secondary schools. These include Woodford and Ilford County High Schools as well as schools registered under CSSE. These tests are sat in the first half of the autumn term of Year 6 whilst the Independent schools test throughout the autumn and early spring terms.

Our Results and Destination Schools page gives a clear indication of where our pupils move onto after their time with us.