Humanities | Private Education, Essex | Avon House School


Humanities (History and Geography) is taught weekly at Avon House Preparatory School.

In the Prep Department there is an overall topic for the term and lessons have either a historical or geographical theme.  For example, if the topic is ‘Romans’ Year 3 might learn about the Roman army or compare a country in modern Europe with one in another continent that used to be part of the Roman Empire; through study of the Vikings they could learn the human and physical geography of modern Scandinavian countries or write about what life would have been like on a Viking longboat. The curriculum is updated regularly to keep it fresh and current and pupils are given frequent input into their learning by thinking about what they would like to know at the start of each new topic, which is then fed into the teaching. There are frequent cross-curricular links with ICT (research, creating presentations, taking pictures for storyboard); English (drama, longer writing tasks) and maths (graphs, statistics) to enhance the pupils’ learning, confidence and ability to work as part of a team.


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