STEM | Preparatory School in Essex | Avon House School
young boy taking photos of toys using a tablet


Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) activities are threaded throughout our curriculum, to develop the pupils’ critical thinking and problem solving abilities.

Across the Prep Department, we complete STEM projects within our science, humanities, computing, and critical thinking lessons. Whether designing and creating shadow puppets to investigate light and dark, building soundproofing studios to test materials, or investigating gravity by flying parachutes, science lessons encourage our pupils to be independent learners and think like scientists.

At Avon House Preparatory School, we offer after school STEM clubs. In our Young Engineers Club, Year 5 and 6 pupils design and construct their own catapults to investigate which mechanisms propelled objects the furthest. In our STEM club, pupils build rockets, assemble and test bridges, and create their own new fruit or vegetable hybrid after learning about genetics. They also have the opportunity to gain a CREST Award, which is a nationally recognised STEM award from the British Science Association.

During the autumn term, Avon House Preparatory School celebrates STEM Week, where all pupils take part in a variety of STEM workshops and group tasks to inspire the next generation of engineers, inventors, computer programmers and scientists.


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Children can join our Nursery the term following their 3rd birthday,

30 free childcare hours code also accepted