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Avon House Preparatory School was founded on the current site in 1965 having initially been Essex House Preparatory School. Our site consists of several buildings spread around the site including the Daniels building which boasts our themed library. The original part of the School (490 High Road) is an old listed building which incorporates the school’s advanced ICT room and art room as well as two classrooms and the school kitchen. The Pre-Prep Department building, school hall, further classrooms, cookery room, playgrounds and school garden spread out across the remainder of the campus.
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This is a multi-functional space which is used for whole school and department assemblies. Our portable stage allows drama and music productions to be performed by the various departments of the school. For indoor PE the climbing apparatus and gymnastic equipment is widely available for all pupils and expressive dance also makes good use of this space. At lunchtime, the hall is converted into a dining facility for the whole school on a staggered timetable.
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This building houses our Music Department which is fully equipped with a variety of instruments allowing pupils to explore rhythm, musicality and composition. Keyboards are used in the Prep Department for composition and performance. The Music Department also include two teaching rooms, which are used throughout the week for our visiting professional peripatetic music teachers.
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At the end of the ‘Yellow Brick Road’ lies a learning space for small groups and 1:1. This light, bright, inviting environment is a place for those needing additional support for the main areas of the curriculum. Our school SENCO, along with learning support staff, are available for pupils who may need consolidation or support either for the short or long term. The School has a Speech and Language Specialist who visits the School once a week and works with pupils on a 1:1 basis.
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Our ICT room is well equipped with a full set of PC’s so pupils can work on their own device. During lessons, pupils will learn how to code, create apps and look at web pages as well as explore algorithms to support the computing programme. Specially labelled keyboards allow Foundation 2 Pupils to also access this room as they start to explore the broader context of computing. With robotics and 3D printing also available, the pupils experience is one of exploration and creativity. For classroom lessons where a technology device may be required, pupils work on either Chromebooks or iPads.
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Our woodland-themed School Library has been set up inspire a love of books and reading. The pupils can use the library for free reading, research and to use the word puzzles and games at break and lunchtime. Early Years pupils use the library for story time and puppet story sessions whilst Pre-Prep pupils can select a class reader and listen to the audio stories. The Library is open to Prep pupils at break-time and lunch-time for structured play activities as well as a quiet space to read.
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The school garden is a little haven of green space in the centre of our School. With the facility to play chess, sit on a beanbag and read, or space on the tree bench to talk to friends, our garden is a popular place for friends to meet. Gardening Club meet once a week to grow vegetables and herbs which are used in the school kitchen for school lunch.
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There are a variety of playground spaces on the school campus for the pupils to play in at break and lunchtimes. A variety of equipment is made available to the pupils that are age appropriate. The pupils have wooden climbing apparatus in one area, which is popular with all ages.
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Our Nursey class sits in the heart of the school campus. It offers our youngest pupils a bright environment with free flow to an outdoor play and learning space. The outdoor space has an all- weather canopy which allows for outdoor play even during inclement weather. All Early Years facilities are within easy reach of the pupils creating steps to independence. Our Nursery staff have created a curriculum where the pupils can explore the seven areas of learning in an age appropriate setting.
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Our classrooms are bright and engaging with quality technology that enables interactive learning. The pupils are proud of their learning environments where teachers display their work alongside helpful boards to inspire learning. The classrooms are equipped with modern furniture and space for pupils to have a personal locker for their backpack and games kit. For specialist lessons, pupils move from their class environment to various rooms around the School.
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We have recently joined in partnership with The Woodford Wells Club which is located at the end of our playground. This gives pupils access to more facilities on a regular basis and will be available to all pupils of the school. Founded in 1865 and set on the edge of Epping Forest, the Woodford Wells Club is a hidden gem. It offers the opportunity to play six sports and provides modern facilities and a welcoming and relaxed atmosphere. All of our pupils receive free Junior membership at the club.