child swimming

Busy Beans

Posted: 26th May 2023

pupils sat on a field

Puffins have thoroughly enjoyed the story of ‘Jasper’s Beanstalk’ this week. Retelling it in their own words, alongside working on using the phonic sounds they know to write simple words and sentences about the story. Puffins visited The Wells to decorate their own card Jasper with different textures, to talk about the growing plants and trees and to enjoy turn taking games together. The children have also talked about how Jasper is discouraged when the bean he plants doesn’t grow after a week, comparing it to their own cress plants. We’re all hopeful with light and water, the cress will start to grow soon for everyone!

Categories: EYFS News

Our next Open Morning is taking place on Friday 24th May at 9am

Come and see our recently refurbished Early Years play area and hear the latest school news from our Head Teacher before being taken around the school by our Year 5 and Year 6 pupils. To book your place please complete the form at the below: