News | Avon House School
child swimming

Category: News

Sikhism Enrichment Experience

6th February 2025

Year 5 children had an enriching experience during a special workshop on Sikhism on Wednesday afternoon, where visitors from a gurdwara shared fascinating insights about the faith.  The session covered key topics such as the 5Ks and their symbolic meanings, the Golden Temple in Amritsar and its incredible langar, which serves over 60,000 people daily. …

A Visit To Cranbrook United Synagogue

5th February 2025

On Tuesday 4th February, our Year 4 children had the wonderful opportunity to visit Cranbrook United Synagogue as part of their RPS curriculum. The trip was an exciting and educational experience, providing the children with a deeper understanding of Jewish traditions, history and religious practices. During the visit, the children were guided by one of…

Friendly Competition

4th February 2025

We hosted a netball match against The Wells Primary School this afternoon with an emphasis on friendly competition. There were smiles on faces all round as both schools played their best despite the grey weather. After the game finished, the teams congratulated each other on their individual and group performances. Well done to Avon House…

Determination and Resilience

3rd February 2025

Last week our Prep swimmers took part in two Swimming Galas hosted by Chigwell School. On Monday 27th January, 6 children from Year 5 & 6 gave a fantastic performance swimming against a much larger team from Chigwell school in several individual and medley races.  It was a close-run event but Avon House were the…

Braving the Cold

3rd February 2025

Congratulations to our U11 Netball team who scored a brilliant victory against Chigwell School on Thursday 30th January winning the match 10 -2. Well done to the girls that took part in the match and have been braving the cold (and rain!) to attend the early morning training sessions each Friday!

Gong Xi Fa Cai

30th January 2025

Avon House came together to celebrate the year of the snake and the start of the 2025 Lunar New Year yesterday, with different activities taking place across the whole school. Activities included traditional Chinese calligraphy on special rice paper with instructions on how to write  ‘Luck’ and ‘Snake,’ dragon dancing using a costume created by…

Upper Sports Colours

27th January 2025

It was the turn of the Year 5 and 6 pupils to receive their Sports Colours (Upper) today, congratulations to: Krishni (netball) Lavinia (netball) Sophie (netball) Eilidh (netball) Liana (gymnastics) William (cross country) Seren (swimming) Kyran (swimming & table tennis) Kai (swimming)

RSPB Big Schools’ Birdwatch

24th January 2025

The whole of Avon House had a ‘pheasant’ diversion during lunchtime today, as we took part in the RSPB annual Big Schools’ Birdwatch. The Birdwatch is a chance for children to engage with nature and develop an appreciation for the wildlife in their own environment. Pupils from EYFS, Pre-Prep and Prep waited for their ‘tern’…

Walk to School Week

23rd January 2025

The Spring Term ‘Walk to School’ has been a success this week! Nursery through to Year 6 have enjoyed the physical benefits of walking together to Avon House in year groups across the week to start their day, with improved creativity, enhanced memory, attention, and problem-solving skills demonstrated in the classroom

Reception Visit the Shops

22nd January 2025

Woodford Green shops welcomed Foundation 2 (Reception) pupils this afternoon, as they visited to buy ingredients for their cookery session tomorrow. Thinking of where flour, sugar, eggs and cake cases might be located, they searched high and low on the shelves while using their literacy skills to read the names of different products. At the…


Brand New Outdoor Learning Area

Come and experience our outdoor classroom!


Daily school tours available, please contact –

Children can join our Nursery the term following their 3rd birthday,

30 free childcare hours code also accepted