A Visit From Sir Iain Duncan Smith | Private School Essex | Avon House School
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A Visit From Sir Iain Duncan Smith

Posted: 16th October 2023

teacher and students

Years 5 & 6 had a different experience at lunchtime on Friday 13th October, when instead of finding food in the dining hall, they had the opportunity to question our local MP, Sir Iain Duncan Smith. For just over 45 minutes he answered questions on being an MP, leading the Conservative Party, his achievements and influencers and even, whether he enjoyed living in Solihull.

Using their research from the weekend’s homework, our Avon House pupils were not afraid to ask the hard hitting questions and we are very grateful for the sitting MP to give up his time and inspire the future generation – maybe into a career in politics.

Sir Iain, was asked what message he would give to the pupils sitting in the room. His response was a lesson for us all. To make sure that we ride the storms that come and not get carried away with success, quoting the line from Rudyard Kipling’s Poem, “If”

“If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster

And treat those two impostors just the same;”

Categories: Educational Visit