child swimming

Year 3 Visit to BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir

Posted: 14th November 2023


This week started with a riot of colour and light for Year 3 when they visited BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir in Chigwell, as part of their RE topic of Hinduism. Guided by a passionate Mandir volunteer called Dhiya, they were treated to an interactive information session about the festival of Diwali and a performance from a group of talented young people in celebration of the birth anniversary of Mahant Swami Maharaj. Finally, with sensational staging, lighting and dancing, everyone watched a dramatic production of the Rama and Sita story which inspired many of our budding young thespians in both classes.


Categories: News

Our next Open Morning is taking place on Friday 24th May at 9am

Come and see our recently refurbished Early Years play area and hear the latest school news from our Head Teacher before being taken around the school by our Year 5 and Year 6 pupils. To book your place please complete the form at the below: