Welcome back for the Spring Term! Our Early Years and Pre-Prep Departments start the term with a ‘WOW’ day to launch their new topic of the term. Year 2’s Wow day became the Year 2 Pow Day (thank you Niamh for the name!) for absorbing their new topic ‘What’s Your Superpower?’
The children started the day exploring what a superpower is and shared some wonderful thoughts, including, “A superpower is something you have been gifted with.” Using one of our new texts, we spent time discussing how a superpower can simply be a smile or being kind, rather than being an extra skill like x-ray vision!
Year 2 were challenged to draw a cat, not only as a stimulus to discuss their ability to persevere, be resilient and persist, but to explore how they felt about their drawing and how self-esteem and self-confidence can be a superpower too.
Amazing superhero names were created including ‘The Mighty A,’ ‘Jaxstar’ and ‘Amanismiley,’ with the children enjoying drawing themselves in a superhero outfit and explaining what their superpowers were.
In the afternoon, they learnt about a superhero logo and they all wore their own superhero masks to go outside and create their own superhero logo in chalk on the playground!
Finally, the children created their own role plays using their characters and wearing their masks which they enjoyed performing to everyone!
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