child swimming

Blown Away

Posted: 13th February 2024

During Monday’s Team Building & Problem Solving Prep activity, the children worked in teams to keep a balloon in the air by tapping it. Each child was only allowed to touch the balloon with one finger. Team work and problem solving skills were needed to fight against the wind! Although five balloons were lost over the wall(!), the children worked together to improve the amount of time their balloon stayed in the air.


Categories: News


Reserve your place: Open Events | Private Prep School, Essex | Avon House School


The morning starts at 9am with refreshments in the School Hall. Mrs Campbell (Headteacher) will host a talk at 9.15am including information on our extended Wraparound Care provision, 30 hours free childcare code option as well as Nursery sessional timings. Following the talk, our Year 6 pupils will conduct personal tours of the school. We look forward to seeing you there!