child swimming

Super STEM Centre Visit

Posted: 28th February 2024

What a day! Mars rover prototypes, a plasma ball and an orbital well are just SOME of the things Year 5 were able to see and investigate on Tuesday on our educational visit to The Stem Centre. We were shown a fantastically scientific show by Ranvir and learnt about different types of matter and how they interact with each other. Jamie said, “My favourite part was watching the show and seeing a mini explosion!” and Anoushka also commented that this was her favourite part too.


Categories: Educational Visit

Our next Open Morning is taking place on Friday 24th May at 9am

Come and see our recently refurbished Early Years play area and hear the latest school news from our Head Teacher before being taken around the school by our Year 5 and Year 6 pupils. To book your place please complete the form at the below: