Could YOU Survive the Stone Age? | Prep School Woodford | Avon House School
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Could YOU Survive the Stone Age?

Posted: 21st March 2024

two school children in the woods

Well, Year 4 certainly could!


On Monday, the children walked in the footsteps of Neolithic Hunter Gatherers at Celtic Harmony, partaking in various Stone Age activities. From gathering food in the forest and cooking with prehistoric herbs to building woodland shelters, the children were able to visualise and experience all that they had been learning in class. The two biggest highlights of the day, however, would have to be the 4FW v 4JB mammoth hunting contest  (which was won by 4FW!) and learning to barter with authentic props, such as skins, horns and hammer stones. A great time was had by all – even Mr Evans struggled to hold back a smile at the end of the day! Here’s what some of Year 4 thought about the day…

Jason – “I enjoyed making the Stone Age   shelters and it was quite fun seeing how far you could go inside them.”

Isla – “I also enjoyed making the Stone Age shelters because I like learning how the Stone Age people made their buildings.”

Zachary – “I loved the trading activity because it was fun seeing all the different materials.”

Ayla – “I enjoyed making the Stone Age soup because I got to smell all the herbs.”

Categories: Educational Visit

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