Igbo Assembly | Private Schools in Woodford | Avon House School
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Igbo Assembly

Posted: 14th October 2024

students in class assembly

Avon House was treated to a visit from Mr Nonyerem Udeh this morning, in our second whole school Black History Month Assembly. Mr Udeh took us through learning more about the language of Igbo – a language spoken by over 31 million people in Nigeria, some fun Nigerian customs, learning how to count to 10 and important key phrases. He got the whole school and even the teachers involved!

After this, we watched a moving spoken word performance of his poetry piece, ‘This Igbo Man Has Tried Oh’. This was followed up with bringing the whole school in for the chorus in the repeated version with backing music.

Taking questions from our engaged pupils at the end, on subjects including different food (including the pronunciation of plantain between Nigeria and the Caribbean), where Nigeria is on the continent of African, what the national animal is (it’s an eagle!) and the flag of Nigeria, Mr Udeh had us dancing in the hall, not wanting the assembly to end.

Thank you for your time this morning, Mr Udeh!

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