Parent Visitors to Puffins | Private School Woodford | Avon House School
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Parent Visitors to Puffins

Posted: 15th November 2024

students rolling out dough

We would like to say a ‘Big Thank’ you to special visitors who came to spend some time with the Puffins. Two parents read ‘So Much’ and ‘I Am a Tiger’ stories at home time this week. We also had one parent who came to lead the star biscuits baking session. Thank you so much for your time!

This week, we have also taken part in the World Nursery Rhyme Week and had lots of fun singing and role playing. If you would like to find out more about the activities we have prepared please check our socials as Ms Heath has been reporting on the World Nursery Rhyme Week daily. Thank you Ms Heath!

In Maths, we were learning about number 5 and a pentagon shape. We enjoyed making shapes using lollipop sticks.

During our Weekly Walk, we went on a spider web hunt and we were trying to find our own ‘Incy Wincy Spiders’. We have spotted only two baby spiders and many empty webs.


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