CRESTED Report | Independent School, Essex | Avon House School
Avon House School Certification on Wall


CReSTeD is the Council for the Registration of Schools Teaching Dyslexic Pupils. Avon House Preparatory School is registered under the Withdrawal System. This refers to a school where SpLD pupils are withdrawn from appropriately selected lessons, for specialist tuition from a teacher with a nationally recognised qualification in teaching SpLD pupils. There is on-going communication between mainstream and specialist teachers.

Avon House Preparatory is the only school in Essex that has the CReSTeD kitemark.

Some comments from our most recent CReSTeD inspection included:

‘The organisation of the provision is excellent.  Pupils have appropriate support to develop the skills to make progress within the school.’

‘Parents speak highly of the school and the progress their children are making.  They commented on the confidence they have seen in their children and the development of the willingness to take on challenges.  They commented that their children enjoy school.’