child swimming

Make a Noise with Kindness

Posted: 16th November 2023


It’s Anti-Bullying Week and Years 1-4 were treated to an amazing and thought provoking theatrical assembly from Open View Education today, with the Anti-Bullying Theatre Show, ‘Make a Noise with Kindness.’ The children met puppet friends Philip and Millie, but when three of Milly’s friends start to bully Philip, she has an important decision to make. Does she stand by and watch? Or does she speak up and help her friend?

Through the assembly, our pupils learn how they all have the power to make one small change that can help to stop bullying from happening. Everyone energetically took part in the ‘Make a Noise Challenge,’ an anti-bullying rap and learnt some techniques on how to speak up and look confident and strong. We finished with a kindness challenge for everyone to do one kind thing for someone else, either at school or at home.


Categories: Educational Visit News


Reserve your place: Open Events | Private Prep School, Essex | Avon House School


The morning starts at 9am with refreshments in the School Hall. Mrs Campbell (Headteacher) will host a talk at 9.15am including information on our extended Wraparound Care provision, 30 hours free childcare code option as well as Nursery sessional timings. Following the talk, our Year 6 pupils will conduct personal tours of the school. We look forward to seeing you there!