

At Avon House Preparatory School, we believe that each pupil is an individual who needs to have opportunities to fulfil his or her potential. We aim to make the School a happy place for all pupils to learn and grow spiritually, morally, socially and culturally (in line with our SMSC Policy) as well as academically.

We recognise that all SEND pupils have a right to receive a broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum. We believe that early recognition of SEND and intervention, where appropriate, are very important. We strive to be a fully inclusive School where all pupils are welcome including those with SEND.

Avon House Preparatory School will consider pupils with an EHCP, please contact the Inclusion Lead via the School Office for further details.

Our next Open Morning is taking place on Friday 24th May at 9am

Come and see our recently refurbished Early Years play area and hear the latest school news from our Head Teacher before being taken around the school by our Year 5 and Year 6 pupils. To book your place please complete the form at the below: