
Wraparound Care – Current Pupils

Avon House Preparatory School understands the demands and challenges of modern-day schedules and how extended hours can be hugely beneficial to working parents. We are committed to offering a nurturing and enriching environment that extends beyond the traditional school day. From September 2024, we will have a new, purpose-built room for Out of Hours care, enabling us to offer daily Wraparound Care options from 7.30am to 6.00pm as well as more flexible / ad hoc sessions for parents.

From September 2024…

Breakfast Club operates on a daily basis from 7.30am-8.10am and is available to all pupils termly at a cost of £225.00 (5 days a week). The cost is fixed and will not be pro-rata’d if parents select to do fewer days. Breakfast will have a hot food option as well as cereal, yoghurt, fruit and a drink offering.

Early Risers for F1 – Year 1 operates from 7.45am-8.00am at a termly cost of £145.00 per term (5 days a week). The cost is fixed and will not be pro-rata’d if parents select to do fewer days. Year 2 – Year 6 pupils can also arrive at school at 7.45am however they will be expected to take part in The Daily Mile.

Tea Timers is run after school, on-site by our staff who provide a variety of activities until 6.00pm (from September 2024)Tea Timers is open to all our pupils subject to availability with those booking termly in advance given priority. We will do our best to accommodate occasional users but this may not always be possible due to the restrictions of staff to pupil ratios.

Pupils are taken to Tea Timers after lessons or a club where they are registered and split into age related groups.

Charges from September 2024 are as follows:

Regular use (for 5 days):

To 4:30pm £345.00 termly (Pupils will be provided with a drink and a snack)
To 5:00pm £455.00 termly (Pupils will be provided with a sandwich, fruit and a drink)
To 6.00pm £625.00 termly (Pupils will be provided with supper, yoghurt, fruit and a drink)

Occasional use:

£12.00 per session until 4:30 pm
£13.50 per session until 5:00 pm
£17.00 per session until 6:00 pm

Tea Timer collection times are set at 4.30pm, 5.00pm and 6.00pm.

A late collection fee of £15.00 every 15mins will apply for collection after your chosen Tea Timers session. Any late collections will be placed into Tea Timers and sessions charged accordingly.

Children that are not collected on time after school at normal collection time will be placed into Tea Timers and sessions charged accordingly.